Edición Semanaria (Weekly)

Trump Accepts Nomination Amid Controversial Use of White House – With the spotlight on the Trump family, the Republican convention ended with the nomination of President Trump. The speakers insisted that the vote means a choice between reelection or violence and anarchy. Critics, on the other hand, condemned the fact that the convention minimized the pandemic, high unemployment and racial conflicts and said it was illegal to use federal facilities and staff to engage in political propaganda. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Final Push in Census Count for California’s Mayan Communities – With four weeks remaining in the 2020 Census count, Mayan activists in California are working hard to resurrect their campaign to ensure that indigenous residents hailing from Mexico and Guatemala appear in the count. Mayan organizers from the Mam community in Oakland and Yucatecans in San Francisco point out that the COVID-19 pandemic shattered their plans to gather people at traditional festivals to help them fill out census forms. Now, organizers are dedicating the final weeks of the count to communicating with Mayan-speaking neighbors through social networks and phone calls to help them from afar. Chelis López has the details from San Francisco.

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