Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

In Historic Nomination, Kamala Harris is Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate – Kamala Harris was selected as Joe Biden’s running mate, making history as the first woman of color on the presidential ticket of a major party. Democratic strategist Vanessa Cárdenas says the strongest thing about Harris is that, as the daughter of immigrants of color, “she can speak to people of color in their own language and is a sign of the diverse and inclusive future” of the nation.

Home Visits Begin in Census Count – This week, half a million census workers began knocking on the doors of those who did not answer the questionnaire. The count period has been shortened, and the federal agency now has only six weeks to visit 56 million homes. The areas with the lowest response rates continue to be poor communities and communities of color. José López Zamorano brings us the details.

State of Washington to Issue Checks to Migrant Workers – Excluded from federal aid and among the hardest hit by the coronavirus, migrant workers in Washington state are surviving as best they can. To help them and after months of pressure from local activists, Gov. Jay Inslee established a $40 million relief fund that could benefit up to 250,000 people. José Luis Buen Abad has this report.

Coronavirus Hits a Food Packing Company in New Infection Hot Spot – California’s Central Valley is emerging as a new epicenter of coronavirus infection, and food packers are on the front lines. More than 100 workers at a pistachio and walnut packing plant were infected with coronavirus in June and one died, sparking a wave of fears and protests. The workers at Primex Farms reported that the managers dismissed and concealed the severe outbreak. Today, workers are demanding a thorough investigation of the company, complaining of having experienced retaliation due to their labor protection claims. Our reporter Maria Esquinca has covered this conflict in the town of Wasco.

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