Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

AMLO-Trump Summit Sparks Fiery Debate Among Mexicans – Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited President Trump this week at the White House. Accompanied by a delegation including some of the richest businessmen in Mexico, López Obrador said the visit was to celebrate the start of the trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada. The third partner, the Canadian Prime Minister, was absent from the meeting. President López Obrador was welcomed in Washington by followers who celebrated him with mariachi music. Meanwhile, Latino leaders raised questions about the electoral manipulation of the meeting for Republicans and whether the Mexican president has gone out of his way to praise Trump given his history of treatment of Mexicans. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Rapid Resurgence of Coronavirus Causes Alarm in Sun Belt States – Nowhere else in the world are cases of coronavirus spreading as fast as they are in Florida, Arizona, South Carolina and Texas. According to news media, the Sun Belt states have become the global epicenter of the coronavirus. The new development is that, although the number of infections is growing rapidly, the fatality rate has not kept pace. Radio Bilingüe’s News Director Samuel Orozco discussed this issue with Dr. Jaime Sepúlveda, a noted epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco.

Radio Bilingüe Celebrates 40 Years of Trailblazing in US Public Radio – On July 4th, Radio Bilingüe celebrated 40 years on air. Over four decades, this pioneering organization has evolved from a community station into a national network of Latino-owned radio stations. It is also the preeminent producer and distributor of programming in Spanish for the nation’s public radio system. A hallmark of Radio Bilingüe has been its bilingual public journalism and its unique repertoire of music by grassroots Latino artists. A sample of the first sounds of the pioneering station was prepared by Rubén Tapia.

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