Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Senate Puts New Economic Aid Package on Hold – The HEROES Act was greeted with a bucket of cold water by Senate Republicans after it was approved by the Democratic majority in the House. The new stimulus package includes protective measures for health care workers and workers of other essential industries. Republican Senate leaders say previous bills must first be evaluated and oppose aid for immigrant families. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

California Launches Multi-Million-Dollar Cash Aid Program for Undocumented – To help tens of thousands of undocumented families affected by the coronavirus and left out of federal aid, California has launched a multi-million-dollar cash distribution program. Twelve community-based groups are distributing a single installment of $500 or $1,000 to qualifying families in the form of an electronic transfer. On the first day, excessive demand jammed phone lines. Today, it was reported that all aid centers resumed service by telephone only for desperate beneficiaries. Jessica Bedolla reports from Los Angeles.

Protests in Guatemala Over Drastic Economic Shut-Down Due to Coronavirus – After the sudden increase in coronavirus cases in Guatemala, President Alejandro Giammattei has decreed a drastic closure of the economy. The measure was received with blockades of streets by outraged residents of the impoverished Central American country. Protesters are demanding government support to survive the crisis. Maria Martin has this report.

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