Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

No bail and no healthcare – In Arizona, undocumented immigrants who are arrested are held without bail.  The law has a particular impact on immigrants who need healthcare. One undocumented woman, Ruth, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she was preparing for a mastectomy, when she was arrested and accused of identity theft for working with false papers. Although the date of her surgery was getting close, she was still in jail when Valeria Fernández interviewed her.

Texas to close a school that graduates dropouts – The dropout crisis has been marked a priority by the federal government. According to national estimates, only 7 out of 10 Latinos and African Americans graduate high school. A charter school in Texas is dedicated solely to teaching students who previously dropped out of school and helps them graduate. But the state is about to close the school because it says it doesn’t meet academic and financial standards set for all schools. Should schools that serve students at risk of dropping out be held it the same standards as all other schools?  Joy Díaz reports from Austin, Texas. This report is part of American Graduate – Let’s Make It Happen! – a public media initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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