Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Call to Investigate Wall Street over Distribution of Emergency Aid – The federal economic bailout package was designed to prevent small businesses from going bankrupt amid the coronavirus pandemic by providing low-interest loans to small entrepreneurs, particularly those without access to traditional banking services. However, many small businesses were left out and a large slice of the program went to big corporations. To find out how and why this happened, Congressman Adriano Espaillat is asking the New York State Attorney to investigate the Wall Street banks.

CARES Act Challenged for Excluding Mixed Families – This week, immigrant families with citizen children sued the federal government, arguing that the recently enacted CARES Act discriminates against them by barring them from receiving economic stimulus checks. The lawsuit was filed in Maryland federal court with the support of CASA, an immigrant advocacy group. Its communications director is Jossie Flor Sapunar.

Workers Protest over Coronavirus Deaths in Chicago Factory – Upon learning of the death of an employee due to coronavirus and several more infections, workers at a medical equipment factory in Chicago stopped work in protest because the information was reportedly hidden from them. Although they have already returned to their jobs, the dissatisfied workers are calling on the owner of the company to provide fourteen days of quarantine, temporary closure of the factory for deep cleaning and strict protection measures. Jessica Bedolla brings us the details.

Detained Immigrants Demand Freedom Amid Increased Coronavirus Cases – A group of immigrants detained in a private detention center in Arizona are urging the federal government to allow them to continue their processing in freedom because many are in poor health. In recent days, a federal judge ordered the release of several detainees with serious chronic illnesses, citing the danger of contagion as the coronavirus epidemic spreads. Valeria Fernandez reports from Phoenix.

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