Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Congress Calls for Extension of DACA and TPS Programs During the Pandemic – Thousands of immigrants protected under the DACA and TPS programs are on the front lines of the battle against the coronavirus pandemic and living in uncertainty about their immigration status, which is in legal limbo. To help them, Democratic senators are urging President Trump to authorize an extension of work permits for the remainder of the crisis. Meanwhile, lawmakers are calling on their Republican colleagues to back a law for a permanent solution for immigrant “Dreamers” and asking the Senate to prioritize them next week when they return to the Capitol. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Free Coronavirus Testing for Latinos in San Francisco – The historic Latino neighborhood of the Mission is considered ground zero for the spread of the coronavirus in San Francisco, and the Latino community has the highest rate of infections. To identify cases and as part of a state plan to step up screening, local health officials opened a free testing center for all residents, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms of the disease. Through a loudspeaker car, residents of the neighborhood were alerted to the service. Chelis López took personally the test and spoke with neighbors and doctors.

Isolation of Stay-at-Home Orders Trigger Depression and Anxiety – In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis, mental health illnesses soared in the United States. Today, the coronavirus crisis and home confinement are once again causing generalized stress, sparking a new surge in mental illnesses. Many of those experiencing crises of depression, anxiety and other disorders are not receiving health care. Martin Berlanga reports from Miami.

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