Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Amid Criticism, Congress Approves Fourth Aid Package – After intense negotiations, the House has approved the fourth economic relief bill drafted by the Senate. The multi-billion-dollar measure offers loans and grants to small businesses and more funds for hospitals and coronavirus testing. However, critics say that while it includes funds for companies in communities of color with poor access to banking services, it leaves out millions of working families. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Mixed Families in Texas Abandoned by Federal Aid – An estimated 3 million Texans have at least one undocumented relative and hence are part of what is known as a mixed family. Such families were excluded in the fourth federal aid package approved this week. This means that millions of citizens will be excluded from emergency aid because they have an undocumented person as head of household. Mariana Pineda reports from Houston.

Pioneering Family Leave Policy Under Threat Due to Coronavirus – Earlier this year, Washington state introduced a ground-breaking law allowing workers to receive wages for up to 12 weeks if they get sick or must care for a family member with health problems. The program, which is also available to the undocumented, experienced a dramatic increase in the number of unemployed people seeking the benefit due to the coronavirus crisis, raising concerns about its future. From Seattle, José Luis Buen Abad brings us the story of an applicant and coronavirus survivor.

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