Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Warnings of “Humanitarian Crisis” on the Border – On the border with Mexico, thousands of asylum seekers are awaiting a response in shelters with chronic food shortages and conditions where it is difficult to maintain cleanliness and social distancing. The situation has been denounced by border human rights defenders, who warn of an impending humanitarian crisis. José López Zamorano brings us the details.

Salvadoran Mother Retrieves her Daughters from Immigration Authorities – Amid the coronavirus pandemic, heavy-handed policies against immigrants continue unabated. The federal government has extended its border closure decree and deported more than 1,000 unaccompanied children. Still, a Salvadoran mother seeking asylum due to gang violence was able to retrieve her two young daughters from a refugee center for minors after a difficult legal battle. Mariana Pineda files the story from Houston.

A Community Radio Voice in Honduras Takes on Coronavirus and Corruption – Honduras is one of the poorest and most violent countries in Central America, and thousands have left in caravans seeking refuge in the United States. At a community radio station, a Jesuit priest has risked his life for over a decade by opening up the microphones to denounce corruption. Now, his program includes warnings about the coronavirus. Maria Martin tells us his story.

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