Edicion Semanaria

Protesters Say Two Million Deportations are Too Many – On a recent day, the number of people deported by the Obama administration reached two million, an amount that broke historic records, according to community, religious, and labor organizations that, in response, intensified their actions demanding President Obama to stop the deportations. They also called on Congress to work urgently toward an immigration reform. José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

Two Faces to Dual Immersion Schools in Arizona– The educational system of dual immersion was created with the idea of allowing Spanish-speaking children to learn English, while at the same time keeping their Spanish. At the same time, English-speaking children in dual immersion programs learn Spanish, and the idea is to create a whole generation of bilingual children. In Arizona, there is some support for dual immersion schools, but mostly for those that serve a majority Anglo population. The schools with more Latino students have many more obstacles to overcome, such as lack of economic resources and learning materials.  Valeria Fernández has this story of two very different schools with the same overall objective. This report is part of American Graduate – Let’s Make It Happen!– a public media initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

New York Expands Preschool to all Four-Year-Olds – Early childhood education is a fundamental part of preparing children before they enter elementary school, but many times the children of the poorest families do not have access to this type of education. President Obama has proposed to expand free preschool programs to all children. Some states have gone ahead and offered this type of program to all. New York City has jumped on the bandwagon and will offer more than 50 new preschool spaces to four-year-olds beginning in September. Our correspondent in New York, Marco Vinicio González, spoke with some mothers of preschoolers in the city and has this story. This report is part of American Graduate – Let’s Make It Happen! – a public media initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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