Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Zero Tolerance Policy Endures Despite Court Orders – Although federal courts ordered the Trump administration to suspend its policy of separating immigrant families, more than a year later, nearly 3,000 children still have not been reunited with their parents, according to reports. In response, immigrant advocates are pressing Congress to put conditions on the budget to force immigration authorities to comply with the law. Mariana Pineda spoke with a Honduran refugee in Houston whose case was part of the lawsuit against the zero tolerance policy and who describes her traumatic experience.

Little Help for Immigrants who Suffer Trauma of Family Separation – The trauma and other mental problems of immigrant families who have had a loved one deported or threatened with deportation often go untreated. And while treatment programs do exist, immigrants often are unaware of them or afraid to ask for help. Now, a group of young children of immigrants is breaking the silence surrounding this silent mental health crisis. Ruben Tapia reports from Pomona, California.

New Mexico Plans Free University for All – At a time when many are struggling to attend college because of rising tuition costs and presidential candidates are raising issue of free tuition, the state of New Mexico is preparing an ambitious plan to make free four-year college available to all. Governor Michelle Luján-Grisham is promising that all students will be able to attend for free, regardless of income and immigration status. Professor Magdaleno Manzanarez of Silver City, New Mexico, introduces the initiative, while Wil del Pilar of The Education Trust explains why he believes free college is a “false promise.”

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