Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Democrats Expand Impeachment Investigation Against Trump – Two weeks after the start of the investigation into the impeachment President Donald Trump, Democrats have given the White House an ultimatum: they demanded that it deliver all documents related to Ukraine and called on senior officials to testify. For his part, President Trump insulted the head of the House Intelligence Committee before reporters, while public opinion is beginning to lean in favor of impeachment. Jose Lopez Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Dreamers Ask Supreme Court Not to Eliminate DACA – In mid-November, the Supreme Court will determine the constitutionality of the Deferred Action program or DACA for those who arrived in the United States as children. The program, established in 2012 by President Obama, was suspended two years ago by President Trump. To demand that DACA be upheld, the Dreamers will be holding weekly vigils and will march from the Statue of Liberty to the Supreme Court. Rubén Tapia reports from Los Angeles.

Scientists Urge Measures to Halt Global Warming – The United Nations Climate Action Summit ended last week amid demands in the streets and in the courts by millions of young people worried about their future. However, few world leaders pledged to take stronger measures against global warming. In a recent study, leading scientists warned that failure to drastically reduce the carbon emissions responsible for the accelerated warming of the oceans will mean that each day will bring greater risk of catastrophic natural disasters. Javier Sierra, an environmentalist with the Sierra Club, spoke about this worrying report with Chelis López.

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