Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Delay in Naturalizations Could Alter Election Results – With presidential elections a little more than a year off, the Trump administration has more than 700,000 citizenship applications pending. Officials claim that demand has risen sharply and they are short staffed. However, lawmakers and activists believe that the Trump administration is in fact seeking to suppress the vote of immigrants and minorities, who traditionally vote for Democrats. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Florida Dragging its Feet Ahead of Census Count – Although an incomplete count in next year’s census would have a negative impact on federal funding and political representation, more than a dozen Republican-led states are failing to allocate resources to ensuring an effective count of their populations. One such state is Florida, where thousands of civic organizations are working overtime to allay fears and doubts and ensure a complete count. Martin Berlanga reports from Miami.

Latinos Living in Fear After El Paso Massacre – Following the massacre in El Paso, Latinos across the country are in a heightened state of alert, according to a new survey by the American Psychological Association. The study found that a large majority of adults are under constant stress and cannot go to shopping centers or movies without worrying about being victims of such shootings. This toxic fear could seriously impact the health of Latinos. Psychologist Jaime Díaz-Granados, deputy director of the American Psychological Association, discussed the findings with Radio Bilingüe’s Samuel Orozco.

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