Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Democratic Debates Heat Up Over Immigration and Health Care – Twenty presidential candidates met in Detroit, in the battleground state of Michigan, for a second round of debates ahead of the Democratic primary. During the two nights of debates, marked differences were seen between progressives and pragmatists on issues such as the “Medicare for All” plan and the idea of decriminalizing border crossings. From Washington, José López Zamorano brings us a review of the debates in Detroit.

Neighbors in Tennessee Block Arrest of Immigrant – In Nashville, a group of neighbors alerted by a rapid response network showed up to the site where immigration agents were conducting an arrest operation and helped their neighbor, who was refusing to obey ICE agents’ order to get out of their van. The neighbors formed a human chain to protect the father and son and help them enter their home. Camila Herrera, director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, spoke with Samuel Orozco about this remarkable event.

California to Provide More Voting Facilities – Almost half of California voters will now have several days to cast their ballots in the 2020 elections. They may do so by mail or in specially installed voting centers operated by county governments. This pilot program was implemented in some counties in the 2018 elections. Civil rights groups see this as an opportunity to encourage more voters to participate in the elections, and have begun to promote it. Ruben Tapia was present at one of the community presentations in Los Angeles.

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