Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Mueller to Congress: Trump was not exonerated – After months of waiting, former special counsel Robert Mueller appeared before two congressional committees this week. Mueller told lawmakers that President Trump was not exonerated by his investigation and that he could be indicted after leaving office. The former prosecutor denied that it was a “witch hunt” and warned of possible Russian interference in the elections next year. José López Zamorano reports from Washington on the marathon hearing.

Judge Suspends Restrictions on Political Asylum – A federal judge has rejected a new federal government rule that would block immigrants who arrive at the U.S. border after crossing through another country from applying for asylum. Another judge had previously given the Trump administration’s measure the green light. Both decisions are being appealed in their respective circuits. It is expected that the Supreme Court will ultimately have to intervene to give the last word. Helena Olea, a lawyer for Alianza Américas, spoke with Chelis López on Línea Abierta about what these rules mean for the asylum law.

Young People in California Promote the 2020 Census – A few days after the federal government abandoned its bid to include a citizenship question on the census, a group of enthusiastic young people toured one of the poorest areas of Los Angeles to spread the word and expand its network of volunteers. This action is part of an intense statewide campaign to motivate Latinos to be included in this crucial population count, which will dictate political representation and large economic resources for the next decade. Ruben Tapia has this report from Los Angeles.

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