Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

House Condemns Trump’s Racist Comments – This week, the House of Representatives approved an unprecedented resolution describing President Trump’s attacks against four Democratic legislators as racist. In a separate motion, the House also voted to hold two members of the cabinet in contempt of Congress, and although an impeachment attempt failed, proponents are continuing to add supporters. Despite the setbacks, Trump stepped up his attacks on the Democrats at a rally for his re-election campaign. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Massive Fines Imposed on Migrant Mothers Seeking Sanctuary – Immigration authorities have begun to impose fines of up to half a million dollars on immigrant women who have refused to comply with deportation orders. Mothers who have sought refuge in sanctuary churches in several cities around the country to avoid arrest have received letters notifying them of the fines. Some recipients consider them “cruel and unusual” and “acts of psychological warfare,” as they told Radio Bilingüe’s Samuel Orozco.

Thousands Demand Puerto Rico Governor’s Resignation – Thousands of protesters have flooded the streets of San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico, demanding the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló. Citizen unrest grew amid corruption scandals that have plagued this government and after sexist and homophobic insults and taunts against several Puerto Rican politicians, actors and public figures came to light. Two senior officials have resigned, and lawmakers are requesting impeachment. From the site of the protests, journalist and community activist Maribel Hastings spoke with Chelis López, host of Línea Abierta.

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