Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Federal Judges Hear About the Fate of Health Care for Millions – This week, a federal appeals court heard arguments for and against the end of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. The lawsuit, filed by Republican states led by Texas, has been rejected by Democratic states led by California. The health insurance of 20 million people is at stake in the legal battle. José López Zamorano brings us the background and opening arguments from Washington.

Teachers in Houston Seek Answers from Presidential Candidates – For decades, the US education system from kindergarten to high school has gone from being one of the best in the world to falling to 18th place among developed countries. Ten presidential candidates answered questions regarding this problem from educators in a forum organized by the largest teacher’s union in the country. Mariana Pineda has this report from Houston.

After Twin Earthquakes in California, Victims Remain Nervous – A pair of earthquakes shook the Mojave Desert region north of Los Angeles last week, causing serious damage to the town of Ridgecrest. California Governor Gavin Newsom visited the disaster area and declared a state of emergency, requesting federal aid. Our special correspondent Ruben Tapia traveled to the epicenter of the earthquake and spoke with families who nervously spent the night in parks and shelters about their losses and their plans for recovery.

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