Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Supreme Court Blocks Citizenship Question – In a setback for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court has for now barred the inclusion of a question on citizenship in the 2020 Census. President Trump decried the decision and signaled he would continue to argue in favor of the inclusion of the question, which would prolong litigation for months. Clarissa Martínez de Castro of Unidos U.S. says that the Census Office must now begin its work without the controversial citizenship question.

First Democratic Presidential Debate Stirs Enthusiasm – Democrats kicked off the election season by holding the first of 12 debates among candidates for the party’s nomination. In the debate, a nationally televised event held in Miami, 20 candidates, some who briefly spoke in Spanish, compared their positions on the major issues of the day. Among the most heated were Medicare for all, ending the criminalization of migrants on the border, and withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. José López Zamorano reports on the highlights of the debate.

“Latinos for Trump” Begin Campaigning – On the eve of the first Democratic presidential debates, Vice President Mike Pence visited Miami, where he launched “Latinos for Trump,” a national organization aimed at courting the Latino vote. In the last presidential elections, a similar campaign appeared to pay off. However, the outlook for 2020 is more complicated, as Martin Berlanga reports from Miami.

Congressman Advances Standards to End Inhumane Treatment of Immigrant Children – When news hit that 250 children had been held for weeks in crowded and unsanitary conditions in a detention center in Clint, Texas, poorly nourished, unable to bathe and sleeping on cold concrete, immigration authorities transferred dozens of the children to federal health facilities. Representative Raúl Ruiz, a democrat from Southern California who is also a doctor, called the detentions cruel and unnecessary and proposed  minimum standards to protect those in custody.

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