Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Mueller Report Fuels Electoral Debate – After three weeks of intense national pressure, Attorney General William Barr finally published the report of the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Mueller on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections. In a press conference, Barr defended his decision to refrain from prosecuting Trump  for obstruction of justice. Meanwhile, Democratic leaders in the House say they will ask both Barr and Mueller to testify before Congress in what is expected to be an intense political battle ahead of the 2020 elections. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington.

Proposed Legislation Would Help Inmates Attend College – A bipartisan group of Senators have introduced a new bill that would restore the right of federal inmates to apply for Pell grants to finance their higher education. The initiative seeks to end the ban on these educational subsidies for the incarcerated that was imposed 25 years ago during a tough-on-crime political climate. The bill’s author, Senator Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah, shared some details with executive producer Samuel Orozco.

Migrants Receive Medical Care in a Crowded Shelter in Tijuana – Hundreds of Central American migrants are cramming improvised shelters in the border city of Tijuana. With little help from the Mexican government, these refugees, often sick and debilitated by the long journey, are relying on civilian groups in Mexico and the United States for clothing, food and medical attention. Recently, a group of volunteers from California took a mobile clinic to one of the border shelters. Marco Heidi of Kaiser Health News has this report from Tijuana.

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