Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

New Book Reveals FBI’s Secret War Against César Chávez – To commemorate César Chávez Day, in honor of the historic leader of the U.S. farm worker movement, a new book reveals the secret and illegal operations carried out by the FBI in the 1960s to destroy Chávez and his farm worker union. The author and recognized pioneer of the Chicano movement, José Angel Gutiérrez, spoke on the program Línea Abierta about his book entitled “The Eagle Has Eyes.”

Uninsured and Undocumented, Patient Faces Uncertain Future – In Phoenix, a low-income Mexican worker who survived a stroke thanks to the timely intervention of a local hospital’s emergency team now faces even more daunting challenges. Uninsured and undocumented, the worker and his family are unsure of how they can continue to obtain health services when he is discharged from the hospital and they will be forced to face the disabilities resulting from the stroke on their own. Valeria Fernandez reports from Phoenix.

Young Dreamer Changes his Life by Motivating Young Voters – Latinos and young people went to the polls in record numbers in the midterm elections last November, helping to rapidly alter the political landscape in important congressional districts and the state legislature. In few places was the change more dramatic than in California’s Central Valley. And few groups devoted so much effort to getting out the vote than Dreamers— the young immigrants living in legal limbo. Lucia Orozco spoke with a leader of these campaigns and reports from Fresno.

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