Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

In a Major Rebuke to Trump, US Senate Rejects Border Emergency – This week, President Trump received a major setback when the Republican-controlled Senate joined the US House and rejected his declaration of a national emergency. Twelve Republicans went over to the Democratic side and rejected Trump’s funds for the border wall. Although legislators may not have a sufficient majority to block the possible presidential veto, analysts agree this clash has been humiliating for Trump. From Washington, José López Zamorano reports.

California Seeks to Reduce Police Shootings – California is the state with the greatest numbers of civilians deaths at the hands of the police. A 2017 study showed that three out of four unarmed victims were people of color and almost half were Latinos. Facing a public outcry to deal with this serious threat to public security, two state legislators introduced contrasting proposals. The State Assembly’s bill would require lethal force by to be used by police only in cases of necessity. The other, in the Senate, emphasizes training and creates internal mechanisms for the use of force. From Los Angeles, Ruben Tapia reports on this heating debate.

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