Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Immigrant Rights Activists Increase Civil Disobedience – A group of activists calling for urgent immigration reform interrupted a hearing on Capitol Hill, in which high-ranking Republican congresspeople were complaining that President Obama is not fulfilling the law, including immigration law. With this action, the reformers are escalating their acts of civil disobedience. Jose López Zamorano has more from Washington, D.C.

Controversial Anti-Gay Bill Vetoed in Arizona – A controversial bill in Arizona, which would have given businesses the right to deny service to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people for religious reasons, was vetoed by Republican governor Jan Brewer. The veto came about after intense pressure by groups that advocate for civil rights, business leaders, and influential members of Brewer’s own party. The bill became a point of convergence for diverse minority groups to come together, including immigrants. Valeria Fernández reports from Phoenix.

Artist Reflects on Privatization of Oil in Mexico – The heated debate over oil privatization in Mexico has arrived in Los Angeles. In addition to political discussion, there is also now artistic reflection, by the well-known cross-border artist, Marcos Ramírez ERRE. The exhibit is titled “A Game of Deception: Of Oil, Soccer, and other Bets” and is being shown at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has more on the exhibit and the artist. This feature is part of the series Raíces: Stories About Grassroots Artists.

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