Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Latino Attorney General Rebuts Trump’s State of the Union – After a weeklong delay due to the government shutdown, President Trump gave his State of the Union address. While calling for compromise and cooperation, Trump drew the scorn of the opposition after challenging Congress and demanding an end to investigations and money for a border wall. The Spanish-language response to the address was given by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has been on the front lines of resistance as a leading litigator against the Trump administration.

Latina Voter in Texas Rejects Attempted Purge from Voting Rolls – The Secretary of State of Texas issued an alert questioning the citizenship of almost 100,000 voters, warning that they would be purged from the electoral roll if their files are not corrected. Noted civil rights defenders are challenging the measure by Republican officials in court and condemn it as a political ploy aimed at unconstitutionally suppressing the vote of legitimate citizens, most of them naturalized Latinos. Our correspondent, Mariana Pineda, interviewed one of the affected voters and brings us her story from Austin.

Purhépechas Keep Mexican Traditions Alive in Northwestern US – A few days ago, Purépecha groups gathered in the states of Washington and Oregon to celebrate the ceremony of the Lighting of the New Fire, which marks the start of the New Year according to the tradition of these Western Mexican indigenous communities. The festival, which has been held in the northwestern United States for over a decade, took place in Olympia, Washington. A number of families gathered to revive their enthusiasm for their customs and traditions with music, dance, and traditional food from the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Our correspondent, Tomas Bartolo, went to Olympia and brings us this story. This report is part of the series on traditional arts known as ”Raíces”

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