Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump’s Proposed Changes to “Public Charge” Cause Panic in Immigrant Families. – There are just two weeks remaining in the public comment period regarding changes proposed by the Trump government that would deny permanent residence to those who have used government benefits such as Medicaid and food stamps. Although existing permanent residents and their children who are citizens would not be affected, community groups are reporting a worrisome reduction in the use of public services by immigrant families. Zaidee Stavely spoke with some of these families, as well as activists that are seeking to prevent the drastic changes. She reports from Oakland.  This report was produced in collaboration with EdSource, a non-profit organization that promotes reporting on education. This report can also be heard in English on Public Radio International.

Democratic Landslide in Colorado Benefitted from Dreamer Activist. – With the help of Latino votes and activism, democrats won many key posts in Colorado in the midterm elections, gaining a majority in both chambers of that state’s General Assembly in addition to a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. One key player in this victory is a young man who came to the United States with his family fleeing violence in their native Mexico. Thanks to the DACA program, he gained residence and was able to carry out a successful Latino voter mobilization campaign. Lucia Orozco brings us his inspiring story.

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