Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Latinos on the Front Lines of Political Shift in the United States – The midterm elections last week saw a remarkable political turnaround, with Republican loss of control over the House of Representatives a significant setback for Trump. Latino voters and candidates played a key role in this outcome. In California, a record number of Latinos competed for the highest political posts and will go on to play a leading role in Sacramento. In addition, Latino voters helped topple several Republican congressmen and bring historic changes to California, Texas and other states. Dr. David Ayón, a noted political analyst and co-author of the book Power Shift speaks with Samuel Orozco on the program Línea Abierta.

Immigrant Tragedy Drives Young People to Vote – More than seven months ago, a farmworker couple was killed when their car flipped over after they were chased by immigration agents on patrol in California’s Central Valley. The tragedy caused a wave of public condemnation. It also gave many young people in the Delano region, where the accident occurred, the courage to turn their indignation into activism this election season. Ruben Tapia witnessed this groundswell in the days before the midterms and has the details from Delano.

Mexican Supreme Court Orders Money to be Returned to Former Braceros – After nearly three years of litigation, Mexico’s Supreme Court rejected a federal government appeal and ordered the return of the Bracero Program Savings Fund to 5,600 agricultural workers. During the bracero program, which allowed millions of Mexicans work in the United States temporarily, the Mexican government reserved 10% of workers’ salaries to be reimbursed to them upon their return to Mexico. However, the money was never returned, and today it amounts to billions of pesos. Raúl Silva reports from Mexico City with the details on the ruling.

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