Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Beto vs. Cruz: Is Change Ahead in Texas? – For more than two decades, Texas has been an overwhelmingly Republican state, with GOP candidates dominating most political races at the state and federal level. But this year is different. Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke has raised hopes of turning this border state into disputed territory with his dead heat battle against Senator Ted Cruz. The outcome of the electoral contest could affect the balance of power in the Senate and deal a serious setback to the Trump administration. Joy Diaz reports from Austin, Texas.

Are Latinos Willing to Decide Congressional Battles? – With Congressional races heating up more every day, the Latino electorate plays a key role in dozens of districts where the opposition has hopes for change. The big question is whether Latinos are feeling the same enthusiasm and will turn out to vote in unprecedented numbers. Polls taking the pulse of the Latino electorate have offered differing accounts. Professor David Ayón, director of the polling agency Latino Decisions, says that the outcome depends on campaigns and political parties that so far have hardly invested on Latino voters.

AIDS Continues to Decimate Gay Latino Community – Nearly 60 years after the first documented case of the AIDS virus, the disease continues to have a disproportionate effect on the Latino community, and particularly gay men. For that reason, medical, community and research organizations launched National HIV Awareness Day this week with the message that contracting the dreaded virus is no longer a death sentence, as long as it is detected in time. Our correspondent in Washington, Jose Lopez Zamorano, spoke with a survivor.

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