Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Ignoring New Accusations Against Supreme Court Nominee, Republicans Prepare Confirmation Vote – After emotional testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding an alleged attempted rape perpetrated by Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, Republican leadership took steps to confirm his nomination. They claim Blasey Ford’s testimony and two new allegations are part of a Democratic conspiracy to derail the nomination. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington with the details on this political drama.

Proposal to Redefine “Public Charge” Could have Serious Health Impacts –  The Trump administration wants to change the rules to consider a “public charge” all those who have used Medicaid, food stamps, housing or rental assistance, and other benefits. The proposal, which will be put to public scrutiny, has been rejected by the medical community and pro-immigrant activists. These groups warn that a change in the law would not only reduce the number of people who would qualify for visas and permanent residence, but would also affect the health of children, adults, and the general public. Zaidee Stavely reports from San Francisco.

Divided Electorate Puts Win by Latino in Jeopardy in Historic County District -Forced by a lawsuit, the Kern County Board of Supervisors converted a largely white, Republican district south of California’s Central Valley into a majority Latino district. To avoid diluting the vote, influential Latino politicians gathered behind closed doors and agreed to support a unity candidate: the mayor of the farming town of Delano. In a surprising move, the president of the Lamont Chamber of Commerce, a naturalized Mexican immigrant who began in politics as a Republican, also announced his candidacy. This opens up the possibility that this historic district could continue in the hands of a conservative supervisor who opposes the state sanctuary law and has proposed denying services to the undocumented.

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