Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

TV Stars Urge Millennials to Vote – To motivate Latino youth to vote in what is expected to be a historic election on November 6, the organization Mi Familia Vota launched a bilingual campaign this week featuring two television stars: an influential journalist and a famous actress. The campaign encourages millennials to use their cell phones to register to vote, obtain information about candidates, vote early or find their polling place on election day. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Survivors of Workplace Sexual Harassment Put Pressure on California Governor – California Governor Jerry Brown has on his desk landmark legislation that would give survivors of sexual harassment in the workplace the ability to train or advise their co-workers and supervisors regarding the law that criminalizes sexual harassment. Two weeks ahead of the deadline for his signature, 100 janitors decided to put pressure on Governor Brown by walking over 100 miles from San Francisco to Sacramento. Zaidee Stavely reports from San Francisco.

Fresno Voters Called on to Save their Parks – The city of Fresno, in California’s Central Valley, is reportedly among the US cities that dedicates the least amount of space, access and spending to its public parks. Tired of waiting for local authorities to take action, a group of concerned neighbors managed to form a broad coalition of community, environmental and business leaders dedicated to convincing citizens to contribute. Fresno voters will therefore find Measure P on the ballot in November, which proposes a small increase in sales tax to invest in new parks or improve existing parks in underserved neighborhoods. Lucia Orozco reports from Fresno.

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