Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Turbulent Senate Confirmation Hearings for Kavanaugh – Amid heavy turbulence, Senate confirmation hearings were held this week for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. Despite numerous interruptions by protesters and calls by Democrats to postpone the session, the Republican majority closed ranks to push forward the confirmation process for the controversial candidate. Jose Lopez Zamorano has the story from Washington.

One Year After Hurricane Harvey, Latino Families Recovering on Their Own – A year after Hurricane Harvey caused the most destruction and pollution in Houston’s history, thousands of residents remain camped out on their damaged properties for lack of official help or money from insurers. Recently, the voters in the city approved a multi-million dollar fund to strengthen infrastructure and help the victims. However, many immigrants may be left out. Our reporter Mariana Pineda spoke with one such family and reports from Houston.

Disabled Immigrants Organize in Order to Survive – Two Honduran migrants who lost part of their limbs in an accident while crossing through Mexico on the freight train known as “La Bestia” have formed an organization to help needy immigrants. The project seeks to support others who were disabled in accidents during their migration or while working in the United States and who live in isolation and in the shadows. The initiative was announced at a recent public fair in Los Angeles. Ruben Tapia reports.

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