Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Cruelty Reported in Federal Immigration Raid in Nebraska and Minnesota – As part of a large-scale raid, immigration agents have arrested more than 130 immigrant workers and 14 owners and managers of businesses in Nebraska and Minnesota. Among the first to answer the detainees’ calls for assistance is Hector Flores, veteran leader of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), who collected harrowing evidence of serious abuses committed against detainees and violations of due process by federal authorities. He speaks with Samuel Orozco on the program Línea Abierta.

In a Populous Texas County, Latinos and African-Americans Are Now the Majority of Voters – In Harris County and its seat of Houston, a remarkable electoral shift has been reported. According to official figures, Latinos and African-Americans now make up the majority of those registered to vote in this populous region. Analysts agree that the political impact of this change could be felt in the November elections. A first test will take place next week, when locals vote on a multi-billion dollar bond to help protect Houston against hurricanes. Mariana Pineda has the details.

Small Farming Town Tightens Regulations on Oil Industry – Despite strong opposition from the powerful oil industry, the city council of Arvin, California, decided to reform an old municipal ordinance to place limits on the drilling of new wells near schools, clinics and residential areas. With this pioneering measure, young city council members are seeking to diminish the contamination caused by oil and gas operations, a widespread problem in this farming and oil-producing area of California. Ruben Tapia reports from Arvin.

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