Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Wave of Condemnation Against Trump After Helsinki Summit – President Trump is facing his worst crisis yet after refusing to criticize President Putin when the two met in Helsinki for Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections. Trump ignored the information provided by his intelligence agencies in favor of the Russian president’s version of events, causing broad discomfort and condemnation across both liberal and conservative sectors. José López Zamorano reports on a demonstration in front of the White House.

Honduran Family Freed, But its Future Remains Uncertain – After being held for about a week in immigration detention centers, a Honduran couple with two young children who came to the United States seeking asylum has finally been freed. The couple of business owners fled Central America because of death threats from gangs. Now, wearing ankle monitors, they are awaiting their court date, without work and without legal support. Ruben Tapia has this report from Los Angeles.

Practice of Counting Prisoners Where They are Incarcerated is Questioned – Prison companies in the United States are earning record profits thanks to the influence of correction industry lobbyists on political leaders and the criminal justice system. Something that boosts that influence is the practice of counting prisoners as residents of the districts in which they are incarcerated, instead of the neighborhoods they come from, which ends up inflating the political power of the rural areas where prisons are concentrated. This is the view of lawyer Rey López-Calderón of the Washington-based organization Common Cause, author of the “Democracy Behind Bars” study. He spoke with Samuel Orozco on the program Línea Abierta.

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