Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

House Republicans Announce Votes on Immigration – Amid debates within the Republican party between the hard-line faction and a small group calling for a vote in the House to address the DACA crisis, Republican leadership announced it will allow voting next week on two bills. One imposes heavy restrictions and the other is still being drafted, though neither includes the Dream Act or the USA Act. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington.

Supreme Court Gives Ohio Green Light to Purge Voter Rolls – This week, the Supreme Court ruled that Ohio may continue eliminating voters who have not cast a ballot in six years from voter rolls. This practice, implemented in the state for more than two decades, was questioned by voters’ rights organizations that accuse the state of suppressing the vote of poor people and people of color. Juliana Cabrales, regional director of the National Association of Latino Officials (NALEO) spoke with Samuel Orozco on Línea Abierta about the impact and the possible national repercussions of this decision.

Companies Charged with Wage Theft – California labor authorities slapped the cleaning company Magic Touch with over $4 million in fines for wage theft. The violations include paying workers less than minimum wage and failure to pay overtime or provide mandatory breaks. If the company does not comply, the restaurant chain Cheesecake Factory will have to foot the bill, as it used the cleaning company’s services. The fines were issued under new worker protection laws in California, a state known as a leader in the fight against wage theft. Ruben Tapia has the details from Los Angeles.

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