Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Amid Mariachi Serenades, Young Latinos Vote – On Tuesday, voters in eight states went to the polls in the largest primary day of the year. The biggest contest was in California, where Latino candidates figured prominently at the highest levels. All eyes were on the gubernatorial race and ten seats that could decide the direction of U.S. Congress. With so much at stake, Latino and youth groups campaigned intensively in an attempt to overcome the high abstention rates commonly seen in primaries in non-presidential election years. Ruben Tapia interviews young Latinos who voted for the first time.

Latino Group Celebrates 25 Years of Denouncing Racial Segregation – Redlining is the term for a discriminatory practice historically used by banks to deny mortgage loans in neighborhoods inhabited by people of color. In California, a community organization called Greenlining changed the term and is using it to advance its work opposing residential segregation. Greenlining just celebrated its 25th anniversary in Oakland, a city that is gradually recovering from the discriminatory policies of banks and realtors. Fernando Andrés Torres brings us the following report.

Justice Sought for Young Guatemalan Killed by Border Agent – At the burial of the young Guatemalan indigenous woman Claudia Patricia Gómez, age 19, relatives and neighbors called for justice. The young migrant woman was shot in the head by a US Border Patrol agent in the town of Rio Bravo, Texas, after she crossed the border with several friends. Claudia’s murder was made known thanks to video taken by a neighbor. Maria Martin was present at the funeral in her hometown and provides this report.

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