Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Dreamers and Day Laborers Demand Stop to Deportations – A week after President Obama’s State of the Union address, organizations of dreamers and day laborers brought their message of disappointment to Washington. There, they demanded, both symbolically and legally, a stop to deportations and the family crisis of millions of undocumented immigrants. José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

New California Law Helps Victims of Family Violence – Domestic violence victims oftentimes have to deal with prohibitive costs to break their leases before leaving their abusers. To respond to this obstacle, in California there is a now law that allows victims of abuse to leave their homes before their leases end.  Manuel Ocaño reports from San Diego.

A Tribute to The Pachucos’ Poet, José Montoya – More than 1,000 people filled a theater in downtown Sacramento, the capital of California, to give homage to the pioneer of the Chicano arts movement, José Montoya, who died in September at 81. The posthumous tribute was an extraordinary meeting of Chicano intellectuals and social activists of Northern California. Fernando Andrés Torres was at the tribute event and has this story, to remember this great poet and painter. This feature is part of our series  Raíces: Stories About Grassroots Artists.

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