Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Central American Refugees Seek Asylum in San Diego – After weeks of a long and painful journey through Mexico, hundreds of Central American families–mostly Hondurans–fleeing violence and poverty in their countries of origin are approaching Tijuana. There, the refugees are preparing to apply for political asylum in the United States, despite threats of arrest and deportation from White House officials at the highest level. Our reporter, Manuel Ocaño, collected testimonies from this humanitarian drama in Tijuana.

Calls to End to Legal Loopholes Exposing Women Workers to Sexual Harassment – Motivated by the “Me Too” movement against sexual harassment, leaders of women farmworkers and domestic workers descended on Washington to announce the beginning of a movement to reform the Civil Rights Act. The leaders are asking Congress to eliminate the legal loophole that allows many employers to discriminate against women workers, many of them immigrants. The call to action is complicated, as several legislators face serious accusations of sexual harassment. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Supreme Court Hears Texas Redistricting Case – The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a redistricting case in which Latinos accuse Texas’ Republican government of intentionally discriminating against minority voters. The plaintiffs are asking for a new political map to correct an unjust distribution of seats in the State House and the US Congress. After losing the case in federal courts, and with the November elections approaching, the Texas government managed to get the case be heard by the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, attorneys for the voters want the high court to let the lower court conclude its work. Luis Vera, Jr., a lawyer in the case, was at the hearing in Washington and spoke with Radio Bilingüe’s Samuel Orozco.

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