Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Survivors of Florida Shooting Demand Action from White House – The massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, spurred what is being called an unprecedented student movement to demand an end to the bloodshed in schools and limits on assault weapons sales. A group of parents, teachers and student survivors met with President Trump at the White House and asked him to take urgent measures to promote children’s safety. At the meeting, Trump expressed support for the idea of raising the age for gun purchases for the first time, but he also proposed the controversial idea of arming teachers. José López Zamorano joins us with the details from Washington.

Kentucky Sued for Imposing Work Requirement for Medicaid – Kentucky has become the first state in the nation to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients. Warning that the measure only seeks to present obstacles to accessing health services and purge thousands from the program, groups opposing it brought a lawsuit before a federal court in Washington. Samuel Orozco spoke on Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta with Lorenzo Cuello of the National Health Law Program, one of the groups behind the legal challenge.

Baby Boomers Expected to Lack Homecare – In just over a decade, an estimated 9 million Californians of the “Baby Boomer” generation will be over age 65, and many will require long-term medical care, a service that is often provided in the home. For this, some 200,000 trained workers will be needed. Despite the demand, however, no plan to train such workers currently exists. Therefore, in a recent forum, a group of labor unionists raised the issue with several Democratic candidates in California’s upcoming elections and medical experts. Ruben Tapia reports.

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