Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

In Address, Trump Talks of Negotiations But Fuels Discord – In his first State of the Union address, President Trump made more than one call for bipartisanship, but then swiftly proposed immigration and national security measures that opposition lawmakers deemed a continuation of his agenda of polarization and divisiveness. Instead of opening a path to agreements, the political scenario appears more strained than ever, as José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Heightened Interest in Latino Voters in Texas – Latino voters in Texas are at center stage amid major competing political interests. In recent days, it was made known that the defunct commission on voter fraud formed by President Trump sought to buy data on registered voters in Texas with Hispanic last names. The veteran political analyst and leader José Angel Gutiérrez examines these secret dealings and comments on the challenges faced by progressive organizers seeking to encourage voter participation among this important demographic.

Mexican Grandparents Cross the Border to See their Grandchildren – A group of grandparents from remote areas of the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca who had gone decades without seeing their children who emigrated to California traveled to Los Angeles for a visit. This gathering, called “Family Guelaguetza — Cultural Ambassadors,” was organized by government entities on both sides of the border. The purpose was to encourage new generations of Oaxacans that have emigrated to the United States to maintain their cultural heritage. Ruben Tapia spoke to several participating families during a welcome dinner.

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