Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Republicans Postpone Immigration Solution for Dreamers – Republican leadership in the Senate ruled out immigration relief for Dreamers in the 2017 budget negotiations. The announcement was a slap in the face to hundreds of Dreamer activists who stepped up demonstrations before Congress in recent days and criticized procrastination by both Republicans and their own Democratic allies. The issue is expected to be addressed by lawmakers when they return from the year-end recess. José López Zamorano reports on reactions from Washington.

Traditional Sounds Continue to Flourish in California Neighborhood – East San Jose, better known as Mayfair, has historically been a center of political and cultural activism. Over the years, immigrants from other countries have enriched the cultural mosaic of this neighborhood, which nearly eight decades ago was known as Sal-Si-Puedes (“Get-Out-if-You-Can”). In this special edition, Ruben Tapia presents some of the history and the new and traditional sounds that are flourishing in this community south of the San Francisco Bay. This report is part of “Sounds of California,” a radio series produced in collaboration with the Alliance for Traditional Arts of California (ACTA) with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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