Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Dreamers Pressure Congress to Find a Solution Before the Holidays – Days ahead of a possible government shutdown, thousands of Dreamers in Washington and around the country are ratcheting up pressure on Democrats and Republicans to approve a Dream Act without concessions. In attendance at a mobilization in the border city of San Diego was Dreamer and immigration lawyer Dulce García, who sued President Trump after he ordered the dismantling of the DACA program. Manuel Ocaño has this report.

Surprise Democratic Win in Alabama Complicates Trump Agenda – Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones’s victory over the controversial Republican judge Roy Moore in Alabama’s special elections has became the political surprise of 2017. The narrow win leaves Republicans with a small majority in the Senate. Various analysts suggest this not only complicates the Trump agenda, but also gives Democrats the possibility of regaining control of Congress next year. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Central American Migrants See Difficulties Crossing Oaxaca – The state of Oaxaca is still recovering from one of the worst earthquakes to strike Mexico in nearly a century. The epicenter coincided with the main route used by thousands of Central Americans to reach the United States, making their journey north even more dangerous. Levi Bridges spoke with several migrants stranded at a shelter called Los Hermanos en el Camino in Ixtepec, Oaxaca. Ruben Tapia reports.

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