Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Wal-Mart Signs Agreement with Tomato Workers in Florida – The biggest retail chain in the world and the largest seller of food in the United States agreed to pay one penny more, for every pound of tomatoes picked, to farm workers of Immokalee, Florida. The workers are mostly Latinos, Mayan, and Haitian. With the world grocery giant signed on, the campaign of organized workers in Immokalee to improve the working conditions in the field has won an unprecedented impulse. Our news director Samuel Orozco spoke about this breaking news with the leader of the negotiations.

Efforts Step Up to Enroll More Latinos in Covered CA
– Though the Latino community constitutes the largest population without health insurance in California, only a minimal part of eligible Latinos have applied for health insurance under the new health exchange marketplace. In response, community organizations and health authorities of different counties around the state have organized health fairs to try to urgently enroll more Latinos before the March 31st deadline. Manuel Ocaño went to one of these fairs in Chula Vista.

Hip-hop Rhymes Tell the Drama and Anxiety of Deportees – The hip-hop artist Olmeca, from Los Angeles, launched a song called “En mi nombre” (In My Name), in which he laments the toll taken by mass deportations. The singer uses real life stories of immigrants for the song’s lyrics. Olmeca presented the song in Arizona, where Valeria Fernández reports.

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