Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Central American and Caribbean Refugees Risk Loss of Temporary Residence – The next two months will be crucial for some 300,000 Salvadorans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans and Haitians who sought refuge in the United States after natural disasters in their countries of origin. Now, these refugees may be forced to return if the Trump administration does not extend the temporary protection program, or TPS, which has granted them legal status for nearly two decades. In light of this, groups of refugees and their children who are U.S. citizens traveled from California, Texas, Florida and other states to the capital to testify to their ties to this country. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Overuse of Student Suspensions in California Deprive Children of Learning – In the first study of its kind in California, academic researchers examined the number of days missed by students due to disciplinary suspensions and found that this form of punishment is used excessively by schools in the state. Rubén Tapia visited rural schools in California’s Central Valley, ground zero for the policy of suspensions and expulsions, and tells us which students are missing the most days of academic instruction and the consequences they face as a result.

Facing Lack of Credit, Latino-Owned Small Businesses Organize to Go Forward – Latino business people are starting business at a faster pace than other demographic groups in the country. However, they face obstacles to gaining credit from banks and often end up paying high interest rates due to reliance on private lenders. In Oakland, in Northern California, a group of Latino business owners have organized in order to provide financial lending services to one another through the Internet. Farida Jhabvala Romero spoke with two participants. This report is part of the series, “Speaking of Race.”

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