Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Gun Control Debate Resurfaces After Massacre in Las Vegas – At least 59 were killed and more than 500 injured this week in the mass shooting in Las Vegas. The gunman, Stephen Paddock, had in his possession an arsenal of more than 40 guns, including high-powered assault rifles. This new mass shooting, the worst in U.S. history, has once again put the issue of gun control under debate at the national level, but also in Nevada, one of the most gun-friendly states. María Teresa Lieberman, a progressive activist who grew up in Las Vegas, believes that despite iron-clad opposition, stricter action on the purchasing and carrying of arms is likely to occur amid renewed citizen concern. Lieberman, deputy director of Battle Born Progress, part of the Institute for a Progressive Nevada, spoke with our executive producer, Samuel Orozco.

A Storm of Criticism of Trump after Visit to Puerto Rico – Relief for storm-battered Puerto Rico has become a political public relations nightmare for President Donald Trump. Democratic lawmakers and political leaders on the island accused Trump of giving Puerto Rico unequal treatment compared to the support offered to Texas and Florida and disrespecting the hurricane victims during his visit to the island on Tuesday. Although authorities have accelerated aid after ten days of delayed efforts, Puerto Rico faces a long recovery. The majority of the island is still without power or cut off from communications. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

All Eyes on Congress as DACA Renewal Period Ends – The deadline came this week for renewals of DACA, leaving tens of thousands in a state of uncertainty. On the day the renewal period ended, social leaders intensified calls to renew, civil rights lawyers in southern California presented a lawsuit against DACA’s termination, and Dreamers and their allies staged protests in Congress and various states around the country asking for a vote to be allowed on the Dream Act. One of these protests was carried out at the offices of California Republican Congressman Ed Royce. Ruben Tapia reports.

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