Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump’s Agreement with Democrats on DACA Spurs Political Storm – Ten days after announcing an end to the DACA program, President Trump began negotiations with congressional Democratic leaders Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to protect the Dreamers. The promising encounter created confusion, however. Democrats say they reached an agreement to legalize the Dreamers without promising funding for the border wall. The president insists a final agreement would have to include an increase in border security and the gradual construction of the wall. Jose Lopez Zamorano joins us from Washington with details on this new battle to protect the Dreamers.

Central Americans with Temporary Protected Status Eligible for Green Cards, Though Few Know it – Amid the risk that President Trump could decide to end the temporary protection program known as TPS, immigration advocates are calling on more than 100,000 Central Americans and Haitians residing in six states in the Western U.S. to obtain green cards if they meet certain requirements and apply in the coming months. However, more than three weeks after this opportunity arose, few have done so. Ruben Tapia spoke with two of the first people to apply at an informational event in Los Angeles’ Little Central America neighborhood. Jorge Ramírez reports.

Mexican Parents Accuse Schools of Excessive Punishment for Children – Punishing children by making them stand with their noses to the wall, forcing them to exercise under the baking sun, or making them clean bathrooms are very common practices in primary schools in three small Latino districts in Kern County in the southern part of California’s Central Valley, according to a recent survey carried out by concerned parents. The results of the survey were presented and discussed at a recent public forum in the majority Mexican town of Arvin. Parents are preparing to bring their complaints to the county’s highest educational authorities. Ruben Tapia, who attended the forum, has this report.

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