Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown if Border Wall Isn’t Funded – A week after the act of terrorism in Charlottesville, and despite the objections of the Mayor of Phoenix, President Trump traveled to Arizona where, at a campaign rally-style event, he launched an aggressive attack on media outlets that questioned his stand toward violence by white supremacists and threatened a government shutdown if Congress does not fund the border wall. He also indicated that he would pardon former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt. José Lopez Zamorano has the story. This report is part of the series “Speaking of Race.”

Federal Judge Asked to Bring Back the First Deported DREAMer– Although Trump declared his sympathy for the young DREAMers during his campaign, several young people protected by the deferred action program known as DACA have recently been deported after being linked to illegal activities. The case of Juan Manuel Montes is different, however. Despite being protected, Montes was arrested in February in the border city of Calexico, California, and was immediately deported to Mexico. According to reports, he was the first DACA beneficiary to be deported. Montes asked for an explanation, and when it was denied, he requested the federal government to allow him back in the United States. A San Diego court heard his case this week. Manuel Ocaño has the details from San Diego.

Once Seeking Refuge from Gangs, Immigrant Now Seeks Sanctuary from Federal Agents – Amanda Morales Guerra arrived in the United States more than ten years ago, fleeing death threats issued by gangs in her native Guatemala. Now, facing the imminent threat of deportation and fearing for her life and the lives of her three children, who are U.S. citizens, Morales is seeking refuge again, this time in a church that has offered her sanctuary. She is the first person in decades to publicly seek sanctuary in New York. Marco Vinicio González brings us her story.

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