Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Ex-Sheriff Arpaio’s Criminal Contempt Trial Ends – Thursday marked the end of the trial of former Sheriff Arpaio, who could face jail time for alleged contempt of court in Arizona. The controversial police chief gained international notoriety as “America’s toughest sheriff” through his campaign to persecute and jail immigrants. In 2011, a judge banned Arpaio from detaining individuals based solely on their immigration status, but the octogenarian ex-sheriff is now accused of ignoring that court order. Valeria Fernández reports on early reactions to the trial from a federal court in Phoenix.

Neighbors Affected by Lead Contamination Speak to Thousands – Concerned that California’s environmental authorities are dragging their feet on cleaning up dangerous lead contamination in seven cities in predominantly Latino East Los Angeles, local leaders convened an unprecedented mobilization. Hundreds of residents, many including affected neighbors, knocked on thousands of doors at the epicenter of the contamination, caused for decades by the battery recycler Exide Technologies. Ruben Tapia, who accompanied one of the teams, reports on the results of the door-to-door effort.

Republican Health Plan Founders in the Senate
– More than a week after a vote on the Republican-led health plan was postponed, Senate leaders still lack a simple majority. The most divisive issue has been massive cuts to Medicaid, which would leave millions without healthcare in states ruled by Republicans. This issue and many others were debated on the program Línea Abierta with Republican strategist Héctor Barreto, a supporter of the Senate health plan, and the Latino health advocate Sinsi Hernández-Cancio.

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