Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

President Obama Seeks to Close Mortgage Companies – President Obama visited Phoenix, Arizona this week where he announced measures to revamp the nation’s mortgage system as part of his plan to help the middle class get back on its feet. Phoenix was the epicenter of the mortgage crisis in the nation. Now that housing prices are going up again, the president is proposing to close the two government-backed loan companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with the intention that the risk of loans falls on private banks. Marco Vinicio González reports.

California Encourages Small Businesses to Offer Health Insurance – The federal health reform law does not force businesses with fewer than 50 employees to give health insurance to them. But in California, the agency in charge of administering the law is seeking to motivate the half million small businesses in the state to offer health coverage. The state agency announced a plan that offers options and incentives to small businesses. Small business owner are still trying to evaluate all their alternatives. More details from our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia.

Residents Protest Mining Permits in Oaxaca, Mexico – Canadian mining companies have increased their presence in Mexico during the last two decades. Some sectors of society accuse the government of not consulting with citizens before giving permits for up to 50 years of mining. In the southern state of Oaxaca, this type of permits could open mines that community groups fought for a long time to close. Our correspondent Vladimir Flores has more details.

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