Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump Proposes Less Social Spending, More on Deportation – This week, President Trump submitted his budget plan for 2018. The proposal includes billions of dollars in cuts to social spending on programs like Medicaid and nutrition assistance for the poor, and a strong boost in spending on border security. It was lauded by some ultraconservative factions in Congress and condemned by social leaders and Democrats. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington about this heated debate.

Will Tough-on-Crime Policies Return to the Criminal Justice System? – The war on drugs and heavy-handed approaches have led to a mass incarceration crisis in the United States, the country with the world’s largest incarcerated population. What is the cost of mass incarceration for Latino families and neighborhoods? And what will happen to the reform initiatives that gained momentum in many states now that Washington is once again preaching tough-on-crime tactics? News Director Samuel Orozco discusses these questions and more with Juan Cartagena, the president of Latino Justice and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund in New York.

College Grad Raised in Foster Care Inspires Abused Children. – The number of Latino children that end up in foster care after being abused or abandoned by their parents has grown rapidly in Los Angeles, and there is an urgent need for help from fellow Spanish-speakers. A recent college graduate who was raised in the foster care system and went on to earn a degree in educational leadership is dedicating her body and soul to helping children who, like her, suffered abuse and seek to rebuild their lives through education. From Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia has this story.

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