Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

House Votes to Repeal Health Care Law – House Republicans approved a controversial bill that would repeal and replace President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. The measure would dramatically reform the health care system, and official calculations indicate that it would leave 24 million people without health insurance within a decade. Meanwhile, the bill faces an uncertain future in the Senate.

Senate Delivers Spending Plan to Trump, With No Funding for Wall – Narrowly avoiding a government shutdown, the U.S. Senate approved a budget bill to fund the government through September. The plan provides major funding for border security, but does not include money for the border wall. Meanwhile, it includes funds for Puerto Rico, grants 15 billion in new military spending, and avoids cuts to social programs. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington.

Immigrants March Again on May Day – This May Day, hundreds of thousands of immigrants once again took to the streets in more than 200 cities around the country to protest the climate of fear and hate, and demand respect for their constitutional rights. Several large companies announced in advance that they would allow employees to miss work to participate in the marches. A number of businesses closed for the day in support of the protests. News Director Samuel Orozco, spoke with Larry Kleinman, a board member of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), who shared his takeaways about this coordinated national day of action.

Trump’s First 100 Days: Progress or Failure? – This week marked the first 100 days of the Trump administration. At this symbolic moment, the White House boasted it has achieved “historic progress” on passing laws and streamlining government. Critics note that Trump’s first 100 days were fraught with chaos, incompetence and alleged corruption, as the President mixed his personal business with the public service. Daniel Garza, a conservative and Republican leader and president of the LIBRE Initiative discussed the first 100 days with Samuel Orozco on Línea Abierta.

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