Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Caravan Against Fear Crosses Conservative State of Arizona – The Caravan Against Fear, a convoy of vehicles with dozens of activists aboard, is passing through Arizona after touring major cities in California. In the conservative state of Arizona, they met with members of the Tohono O’otham tribe, an indigenous group whose sacred lands would be affected by the border wall. From Arizona, the caravan heads for New Mexico and Texas, with plans to return to Los Angeles in time for the May 1st marches. Chelis López reports from the stop in Tucson.

New York Launches Historic Plan for Free College – New York has become the first state in the nation to offer tuition-free higher education in all public universities. The plan is expected to benefit nearly one million students from the middle class. Dr. Antonio Flores, president and director of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, praises the plan as a major step forward, but says students from low-income families will continue to face serious challenges in financing higher education.

Philadelphia Taxes Soda, as Beverage Companies File Lawsuit – Philadelphia’s city council has brought on a tough legal battle with soft drink companies by imposing a tax on sodas to pay for pre-K, parks and libraries. Public health advocates are taking sides in the lawsuit, testifying that soda is a major contributor to obesity, diabetes and other costly illnesses that primarily affect Latinos and African-Americans. Marcela Gaitán of the Washington-based National Alliance for Hispanic Health tells us why her organization took the side of Philadelphia.

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