Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump’s New Muslim Travel Ban Challenged. With his first travel ban targeting Muslim countries stalled in the courts, President Trump signed a new executive order omitting restrictions on citizens of Iraq, U.S. permanent residents and valid visa holders. The new order is facing its first legal challenge, mounted by Hawaii. Meanwhile, Republicans presented a healthcare initiative to replace the Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare”) that received criticism from within the party as well as from Democrats. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Latinas Urged to Protect Themselves from AIDS. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day was held this week. Campaign spokesperson María Mejía cited an alarmingly high rate of new infections among Latinas, saying that many do not seek medical attention or do not have the virus under control. Mejía, who has survived for nearly 30 years with the AIDS virus, spoke to our news director, Samuel Orozco, about how important it is for families and Latinas to take urgent measures to protect and educate themselves in the face of this epidemic.

Former Undocumented Woman Leads Massive March. Hundreds of thousands of women around the country celebrated “A Day Without a Woman” on Wednesday by skipping work and avoiding shopping to promote women’s equality and the struggle against discrimination. In January, when massive women’s marches were held after Trump’s inauguration, one of the largest events was in Los Angeles, where more than 700,000 filled the streets. Among the leaders of that historic march was a prominent Mexican businesswoman who crossed the border 30 years ago as an undocumented immigrant. Now a U.S. citizen, she has been at the forefront of protests against Trump’s anti-immigrant policies. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Ruben Tapia, spoke with her on International Women’s Day. This reporting is part of a series called “Speaking of Race,” sponsored in part by The W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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